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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The ORACLE is the most cognitive of the prophetic traits because it is a grasp of the obscure. His language is inference so he leverages marginal range to navigate life. Such a person has the uncanny ability to hit a prediction on target.

The ORACLE vocalizes her predictions only when she is compelled to do so. When she does vocalize a prediction, chances are that she has enough "obscure" evidence to make an accusation. He is different than the SEER in that he does not see or feel generalities.

He sees fine, minute distinctions upon which he then builds a cognitive case. He immediately zeros in on insignificant signals that might be out of place like, say, a gesture, someone’s countenance, the presence of an odd smell or the slightest change in routine. These small things scream the loudest to his personality bent and indicative the serious nature of the charge he makes.

If she is tactful, she keeps these observations to himself until she has a platform to reveal her claim. If she is not tactful, then she is a bothersome person to be around because she is always revealing people’s secrets or suggesting what their secrets are anyway. Your secrets, too.

On the positive side, he can build a case from minute details. This prodigious talent gives him distinct personal significance. His self-esteem is rooted in this aspect of his bent. He understands the abilities of his prophetic nature an is always being affirmed that, indeed, there is something special about him.

She is vividly aware of this calling of making fine distinctions typically overlooked by the common man. She also has the gift of “tongues”, which merely means that she has the ability to interpret many languages from body language to tonal language to spatial language. Small things do not escape her, and she is forever translating them.

Hers is the truly prophetic nature, because she can make truth-claims that are blow cover so acutely, the accused may very well be severely offended before they see where she is coming from. She can anticipate the end of a thing. Cognitively, she is highly independent, because she has such an introspective mind and strong deductive skills.

He has strong interpretation skills and the ability to make valid predictions. He has the ability to be focused and to sustain that focus on small things for copious periods of time. He can be empathetic and compassionate when he realizes the kinds of truths to which he is privy. He can feel sorry for people who so poorly cover their tracks that their problems, to him anyway, are obvious. He has the ability to reflect this upon himself so that he is more honest and forthright with his own faults. He has the ability to anticipate his predictions, and like a hunter can wait for long periods to time for them manifest.

On the negative side, she can be spiritually platonic if she values spirituality over reason or if she values spirituality over earthy things (material evidence). She would or could polarize spirituality and reason for lack of a one-to-one ratio comparison of one to the other. She might demand an overarching uniformity and polarize spirituality from reason in favor of a scientific view of things.

He can also tend to be reserved, which means that he might not willingly contribute his discerning gifts when he should. Particularly when they are helpful to others. In this he would be passive-aggressive. Bi-polar disorder could result from his schizophrenic view of reality—especially as his hyper-focused interest of latching on to minute details demands that he conclude some form of resolution.

She can also be hyper-focused to the detriment of other important matters. If extreme, she can suffer from autistic symptoms that prevent her from expressing herself normally, very much like a sauvant. I would argue that hers is a key prophetic trait. However, if she uses it wrongly she is sure to be a hellian with ruin in her tracks.

1 comment:

  1. ",,, a hellian with ruin in her tracks. " Quote of the Day!!!!
