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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The DREAMER is the less intuitive of the prophetic traits because he operates by subjective sensory ratification. His language is trance which means that he employs an amplified sensory register to navigate life. Such a person tends to sense manifestations of the immaterial.

The DREAMER is driven by high expectations: “high” does not mean a degree of difficulty. "High" means “unrealized.” The burden of the dreamer is the burden of the visionary who lives to see his ideas become the norm. He does not see what exists; he sees what could be and lives in the fulfillment of that reality. He does not see his poor athletic skills or hear his atonal voice. Her passion for atheletics and voice trumps reality because she has squeezed together the past (what was), present (what is) and future events (what might be) so that she tends to retell the past incorrectly (lie), ignores the realities of the present (lives in denial), and lives the future with all of its possibilites (to others he lives "irresponsibly").

If he is oriented to good visions, he has unbounded optimism. If she is oriented to pessimism, she will see a deathly pallor on everything. For both, she will suffer bouts of depression when the reality of the present (which is so hard for her) sets in. No, it does not have to be anything negative either that can send her reeling into a bottomless pit of despair. It can be something very ordinary. Like a less than perfect experience or less than perfect weather, the absence of one friend (out of many), a change of plans (though it might be better than the original).

That is, perhaps why the dreamer tends to be melancholy. Depression takes its course with the dreamer in a very unique way. It is like food-poisoning on the one hand and PMS on another. Like PMS, it is bound to happen periodically—and it may even be predictable. Like food-poisoning, there is nothing to do but to let it take its course.

On the positive side, she is conceptually spiritual and can often relate her spirituality through languages other than the verbal, like dancing, singing, mechanics, etc. He has a vivid calling: when he was given his life's purpose ("second birthday") or when he was given "information" essential to his purpose.

She has a dimension of profundity to her because she hears or intuits messages for herself or for other people through the oddest media. He relies heavily upon his view of how things ought to work. The overwhelming distinctive and drive for the visionary is the creation of environments—specific environments—that will bring about his vision of how environment ought to work. In this way he is like God, a little creator: He has a distinctive purpose.

Psychologically she is conceptual and oftentimes renders people speechless or loses people. Also, she is allegorical (aka, a storyteller and sometimes a liar), so that she speaks affirmatively using comparisons or contrasts, examples, parallel experiences, facial gestures, body gestures that are signature movements.

Psychologically, he tries to make one-to-one ratios, though, perhaps unsuccessfully. Why? Because he tends to have a problem with the way things work. He is always creating new definitions, new concepts, new orientations, because he does poorly at implementation and does not know how to make the environment work in a one-to-one ratio sense.

Physiologically, she is prone to sitting or dozing or zoning sometimes for as long as time allows to bring about an inspirational day-dream. She is also prone to energetic boosts despite a lack of sleep or any rational reasoning for it.

Physical longevity plays into the inspirational trance in which he will put copious amounts of time into realizing vision, sometimes only to give it up at the end when it does not turn out as vividly and as perfectly as it does in his mind. Nevertheless, he finds it invigorating all the same. She runs on vision—not on implementation, so she will tend to start many things but leave them unfinished—one right after the other. She does not see this as inconsistency. She sees it as ongoing challenge.

On the negative side, he can be obsessively ambiguous or theoretical. He insists on reality changing by his constant questioning of normal organic processes and the severe insistence that they do not have to work that way. He is the kind of individual who suggests the amalgamation or resolution of extremes.

If obsessive, he cannot tell the difference between natural and artificial law. He treats both as one and the same which can cause an array of problems, especially if it is natural law against which he is wrecking himself. He also can suffer from an onset of ambiguous purpose. The struggle to find himself may be amplified to a higher degree than the average individual, so he needs time to be alone to "sort" things out himself.

It is almost useless to counsel him when he is "down" or "high." You have to get him when he is in mid-range, like when his stomach is full or when he is tired. She will struggle to find purpose in areas of fancy but not necessarily in areas of her giftings.

Psychologically he can appear to be nonsensical if he is unable to communicate his vision to others. People might object to his analogies or his terms or any attempt he makes at communicating himself. He can be either "super-spiritual" and miscommunicate that way or he can be offensive and miscommunicate that way.

She can also be scatter-brained if she is obsessively occupied with a particular thought or way of doing something. Physically, the signs of emotional burnout she shows are signs of apathy. On a "high" he can go years on little sleep, little food, little money, little love. That is one of the reasons the dreamer, after all of the sacrificial years he puts into a vision, is prone to divorce and sometimes even to being committed to psychiatric care. If he does not reproduce himself as actively as possible, he will literally find himself alone.

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