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Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The SEER is the least cognitive of the prophetic traits because it is sympathetic understanding or insight. His language is pathos which means that he employs relational energy in order to nagivate life. Such a person has the tendency to sympathize with both the animate and the inanimate. 

The SEER has a unique, perceptive ability to forever impose himself so completley in the place of another that he can generate a vicarious "state of being" comparable to the person or thing in question. He is the kind of person who, when sensing tension, tenses up. If he senses impending doom, he can immediately feel the urge to throw up, to use the restroom or to sit down. When sympathizing with the stresses of the non-human world, say, with the cutting down of a tree or with the displacement of a species through industrial development or with the last days of a sick pet, the pangs of compassion her experiences are especially complicated and distressing. Perhaps, it is because these parts of the world have no intelligible tongue to advocate for themselves.

She so successfully "channels" emotional energy from another to himself that others find her particularly empathetic to their experiences. This emotionable aspect can make him vulnerable to danger (even if he is aware of the danger). It can blind him from preemptively defending himself (even when he knows he should take precautions). His internal radar is his seated in his "bowels of compassion."

He absorbs emotional energy into his organs which makes him prone to upset stomachs, chronic pains, phanthom illness, panic attacks, and glandular syndromes of a hundred sorts. When she experiences vicarious joy, her heart can quite literally accelerate or he can hyperventilate at another's loss. Despite the physical toll her body takes, her sympathy affords her varying perspectives. She is the people's martyr.

On the positive side, his senses are spiritual caveats to receive emotional and spiritual signs. His perceptive ability is so wired to his spirit that he cannot rest or be at ease if he perceives unresolved tension or unresolved emotion. He functions better when he acts upon his perceptions. He is a committed individual, which is an extension of his perceptive nature. He is committed because he must resolve his perceptions or he will have no emotional alleviation.

She is investigative because of her naturally curious nature. She investigates whether or not her perceptions are accurate, which means that she has a very honest streak about her. As an investigator, his finds and assumptions are up for verification, giving him a cognitive tendency. He can be accused of being cerebral if his powers do not first lie within his brain. His curious and inquisitive nature allow him to be venturesome. He probes in order to verify his finds. As a result he can be carefree, meaning that he is no one’s slave.

She is not easily swayed to stock opinions or interests because her gauge is rooted in her personal senses. She tends to be true to herself. She is prone to physical ease which means that if all is well she can be fully engaged in sleep, work, play, etc. As a result her physical and emotional fortitude can be of a high caliber. She is experimental, because she is always trying to push the boundaries of her perceptive territory.

On the negative side, he is easily prone to a sacred-secular distinction of stuff, whereby he values spiritual intuition and insight and devalues actual detail. He can appear, then, to be arrogant and bigoted because he relies upon a personal point-of-view without allowing himself to be subject to other objective forms of verification. He can be individualistic and consequently a loner, because he begins to perceive things that do not really exist. He can be highly suspicious for this reason, too.

Though she can perceive what is generally true and can deduce or induce what is particularly true, she can find herself unable to verify those claims to another. Because she is a loner, she can be bored and too at ease which will result in apathy and emotional laziness in the duty of verification. If she is sensitive, this attitude can breed angst, whereby she is afraid to verify what she might know to be true.

He can have an alarming fear of the unknown. If he is unbalanced in social relationships, he can see treachery everywhere where there is none. If he is arrogant, he can see acceptance everywhere where there is none. He cannot be allowed to ingore a proper integration of details because he will never not live in a detailed world. 

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