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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The MERGER is the least applied of the prophetic traits because it is the coordination of processes into a normal whole. His language is integrity which means that he employs overlap to navigate life. Such a person focuses on one thing: the integration of all life's rays into a normal lifestyle.

The MERGER shuns compartmentalization and tends to intentionally blur conventional distinctions. He merges home and work by working out of the home. He tends to work in his pajamas and sleep in his day clothes. He might conference call while playing with his children. He tends to blend business and conversation by having "work lunches" in which the conversation covers the whole gamut of life.

She is the person who hires her friends, brings her wife and children (rather early) into the family business. Strict mergers tend to live less than ideal lives of integrity because the blending of areas of distinction carries fallout with it, particularly when dealing with people of other personality bents. Her husband might not want her to work from home because business does not stop once the children come home from school or go to bed. Her business associates might not like the way she "blends" company money. She goes to bed with her laptop. She wakes in his day clothes. She does not observe the days of the week, holidays or special days unless prompted to do so.

On the positive side, he is constantly comparing and contrasting both spiritual and earthly realms, seeking to make application from one to the other, using one to illuminate the other, ultimately seeking to reconcile both into one. He tends to see both realms as one and the same, even though they require different expressions. His motto is "Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." The whole man is important to him and he finds it inhuman to neglect any part of this man.

She is sensitive to spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical neglect, perhaps seeing them all of equal damage when a breach occurs. Psychologically she thinks in parallelisms. She also thinks analogically. She does not compartmentalize and is bothered by the possibility of exploitation when others compartmentalize. She sees variety in unity & unity in variety. Naturally, with her illuminating gifts, she is highly competitive and desires to pursue her equivocations, knowing full well that she is the far superior for it. As a result, she is cheered by integration and tends to have a strong sense of well-being.

On the negative side, it is difficult to restore a broken relationship with a merger. Oftentimes, the reason is that he tends to deplore boundaries. He might not be able to tell the difference between YOURS and MINE: YOUR wife and MY wife, YOUR time and MY time, YOUR pin number and MY pin number. A broken relationship might occur because you insist that a clear dilineation of property lines be observed. Restoration to a merger might mean unequivocal access to YOURS once more.

It can be quite common for a merger to experience disappointment when the combinations she creates do not materialize with the anticipated benefits. If she is not open to adjusting her expectations to more realistic (and, therefore, healthy) aspirations, she can be entirely defeated and lean towards a thoroughly hedonistic lifestyle. She might tend to blame the failures of integration on factors other than herself (which can look like hubris to others). It is difficult for her to understand that each integration of categories represents a loss. If the merger does not have complimentary managerial skills, she can very well be ignorant of the consequences of her own expectations. And mergers do not like those kinds of surprises.


The LEAGUER is the less cognitive of the prophet traits because he focuses upon the formation of connections between objects and ideas. His language is relationship which means he employs one-to-one rations to navigate life. Such a person takes a grammatical interest in dynamic equivalence which is the strict interpretation of language. Such a person correlates an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, a tit for a tat and a "this" for a "that."

The LEAGUER does not tend to generalize like his intuitively prophetic brothers. Rather, his gift lies in his ability to make exact correlations. As such he is networker. He tends to group and subdivide that group until he has enough variety to make new associations.

She does not categorize because she sees beauty in order: she categorizes because she sees beauty in diversity. In a flow chart, she would be the sum of the connectors that link all of the boxes together. Were she music, she would be the science of transposition which makes it possible to change from one key to another.

Were he an anthropologist, he could correlate specific customary behaviors from one nationality to another. Were he, say, a former Marine, he might have the ability to succeed in the civilian business world merely by correlating the rules of warfare to the rules of venture marketing. He is a catalyst for bringing a variety of people together to form one vision. However, he is not necessarily able to organize those people to see a vision. He is just gifted at putting the right people together, the right ideas together, the right opportunities together, the right moods together.

On the positive side she is constantly making new connections and spends most of her time reveling in her findings. She finds joy and rejuvenation in making, say, the connection between Bluegrass and Celtic music or the connection between fish and submarines. Her personal satisfaction is proportionate to the complicated nature of a connection. As a result, she is constantly excited about the newness of discovery.

He is meditative, because he mulls over associations, trying to complete the one-to-one ratios, trying to complete the puzzle. He is good at assigning correlations the categories of “absolute” and varying degrees of “less” absolute. This is his taxonomic skill in action. He is venturesome. He is always trying to establish relevance between unlike things.

She ponders. She considers. She is also empowered by correlating her little achievements to the achievements of people in positions of unique distinction. She can be driven by good morality, because she sees her deeds as more than merely her own: they are on a much wider scale of importance. Such a person can be chivalric.

On the negative side, he can be stubborn and difficult at communication. He can be spiritually cynical because of the "upper-story" ambiguity of religious expression. He can be cynical if religious expression is only morally connotative with no real earthy substance. He thinks in mathematical analogies and metaphors, so he can appear to be judgmental.

Romance can be a weakness for him if he is constantly comparing, contrasting, and equating the experiences he has with his romantic interest. The romantic interest can feel like a "case study" in the never-ending research to which the leaguer subjects himself. If he is prone to making sense out of a dream or nightmare, he can obsess over its meaning to an irritating degree. He may value himself to be a unique thinker, but he might not take the time to see if others have thought his thoughts before him. In this sense, he can be an intolerable communicator, always talking about himself.

However, if she does not communicate well, she can still be deluded into thinking her thoughts to be indispensable to the world around her. If her poor traits dominate, this person would not be a good person in which to confide any deep secrets, sorrows or joys. She would critique them. And she would think she was doing you a favor.


The ORACLE is the most cognitive of the prophetic traits because it is a grasp of the obscure. His language is inference so he leverages marginal range to navigate life. Such a person has the uncanny ability to hit a prediction on target.

The ORACLE vocalizes her predictions only when she is compelled to do so. When she does vocalize a prediction, chances are that she has enough "obscure" evidence to make an accusation. He is different than the SEER in that he does not see or feel generalities.

He sees fine, minute distinctions upon which he then builds a cognitive case. He immediately zeros in on insignificant signals that might be out of place like, say, a gesture, someone’s countenance, the presence of an odd smell or the slightest change in routine. These small things scream the loudest to his personality bent and indicative the serious nature of the charge he makes.

If she is tactful, she keeps these observations to himself until she has a platform to reveal her claim. If she is not tactful, then she is a bothersome person to be around because she is always revealing people’s secrets or suggesting what their secrets are anyway. Your secrets, too.

On the positive side, he can build a case from minute details. This prodigious talent gives him distinct personal significance. His self-esteem is rooted in this aspect of his bent. He understands the abilities of his prophetic nature an is always being affirmed that, indeed, there is something special about him.

She is vividly aware of this calling of making fine distinctions typically overlooked by the common man. She also has the gift of “tongues”, which merely means that she has the ability to interpret many languages from body language to tonal language to spatial language. Small things do not escape her, and she is forever translating them.

Hers is the truly prophetic nature, because she can make truth-claims that are blow cover so acutely, the accused may very well be severely offended before they see where she is coming from. She can anticipate the end of a thing. Cognitively, she is highly independent, because she has such an introspective mind and strong deductive skills.

He has strong interpretation skills and the ability to make valid predictions. He has the ability to be focused and to sustain that focus on small things for copious periods of time. He can be empathetic and compassionate when he realizes the kinds of truths to which he is privy. He can feel sorry for people who so poorly cover their tracks that their problems, to him anyway, are obvious. He has the ability to reflect this upon himself so that he is more honest and forthright with his own faults. He has the ability to anticipate his predictions, and like a hunter can wait for long periods to time for them manifest.

On the negative side, she can be spiritually platonic if she values spirituality over reason or if she values spirituality over earthy things (material evidence). She would or could polarize spirituality and reason for lack of a one-to-one ratio comparison of one to the other. She might demand an overarching uniformity and polarize spirituality from reason in favor of a scientific view of things.

He can also tend to be reserved, which means that he might not willingly contribute his discerning gifts when he should. Particularly when they are helpful to others. In this he would be passive-aggressive. Bi-polar disorder could result from his schizophrenic view of reality—especially as his hyper-focused interest of latching on to minute details demands that he conclude some form of resolution.

She can also be hyper-focused to the detriment of other important matters. If extreme, she can suffer from autistic symptoms that prevent her from expressing herself normally, very much like a sauvant. I would argue that hers is a key prophetic trait. However, if she uses it wrongly she is sure to be a hellian with ruin in her tracks.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The SEER is the least cognitive of the prophetic traits because it is sympathetic understanding or insight. His language is pathos which means that he employs relational energy in order to nagivate life. Such a person has the tendency to sympathize with both the animate and the inanimate. 

The SEER has a unique, perceptive ability to forever impose himself so completley in the place of another that he can generate a vicarious "state of being" comparable to the person or thing in question. He is the kind of person who, when sensing tension, tenses up. If he senses impending doom, he can immediately feel the urge to throw up, to use the restroom or to sit down. When sympathizing with the stresses of the non-human world, say, with the cutting down of a tree or with the displacement of a species through industrial development or with the last days of a sick pet, the pangs of compassion her experiences are especially complicated and distressing. Perhaps, it is because these parts of the world have no intelligible tongue to advocate for themselves.

She so successfully "channels" emotional energy from another to himself that others find her particularly empathetic to their experiences. This emotionable aspect can make him vulnerable to danger (even if he is aware of the danger). It can blind him from preemptively defending himself (even when he knows he should take precautions). His internal radar is his seated in his "bowels of compassion."

He absorbs emotional energy into his organs which makes him prone to upset stomachs, chronic pains, phanthom illness, panic attacks, and glandular syndromes of a hundred sorts. When she experiences vicarious joy, her heart can quite literally accelerate or he can hyperventilate at another's loss. Despite the physical toll her body takes, her sympathy affords her varying perspectives. She is the people's martyr.

On the positive side, his senses are spiritual caveats to receive emotional and spiritual signs. His perceptive ability is so wired to his spirit that he cannot rest or be at ease if he perceives unresolved tension or unresolved emotion. He functions better when he acts upon his perceptions. He is a committed individual, which is an extension of his perceptive nature. He is committed because he must resolve his perceptions or he will have no emotional alleviation.

She is investigative because of her naturally curious nature. She investigates whether or not her perceptions are accurate, which means that she has a very honest streak about her. As an investigator, his finds and assumptions are up for verification, giving him a cognitive tendency. He can be accused of being cerebral if his powers do not first lie within his brain. His curious and inquisitive nature allow him to be venturesome. He probes in order to verify his finds. As a result he can be carefree, meaning that he is no one’s slave.

She is not easily swayed to stock opinions or interests because her gauge is rooted in her personal senses. She tends to be true to herself. She is prone to physical ease which means that if all is well she can be fully engaged in sleep, work, play, etc. As a result her physical and emotional fortitude can be of a high caliber. She is experimental, because she is always trying to push the boundaries of her perceptive territory.

On the negative side, he is easily prone to a sacred-secular distinction of stuff, whereby he values spiritual intuition and insight and devalues actual detail. He can appear, then, to be arrogant and bigoted because he relies upon a personal point-of-view without allowing himself to be subject to other objective forms of verification. He can be individualistic and consequently a loner, because he begins to perceive things that do not really exist. He can be highly suspicious for this reason, too.

Though she can perceive what is generally true and can deduce or induce what is particularly true, she can find herself unable to verify those claims to another. Because she is a loner, she can be bored and too at ease which will result in apathy and emotional laziness in the duty of verification. If she is sensitive, this attitude can breed angst, whereby she is afraid to verify what she might know to be true.

He can have an alarming fear of the unknown. If he is unbalanced in social relationships, he can see treachery everywhere where there is none. If he is arrogant, he can see acceptance everywhere where there is none. He cannot be allowed to ingore a proper integration of details because he will never not live in a detailed world. 


The IMAGINEER is the least intuitive trait of the prophet traits because it is symbolic or visual representation. His language is image which means that he employs symbolic ratios.Such a person tends to equate the human senses to highly-developed language with all of its grammatical consistency. She is driven by the symbolism of juxtaposed or layered images.

The IMAGINEER is sensuously sensitive. There are specific sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches that are characteristically offensive or pleasing to her. Additionally, there are specific combinations of sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches that are offensive, pleasing, etc. Further, there are certain other combinations of the sensory "alphabet" that exponentially amplify, decrease, or negate an offense, a pleasure, etc.

She has been stereotyped as merely an "artist" and has been largely assumed to have giftings strictly in the world of sight or sound. However, she can associate a particular color or shape or sound or smell or flavor with hate or dread or deception or calm or pain. She lives in a world where the vast array of creation and its multitudinous arrangements say as many things to him on variant levels of comprehension.

He is constantly arranging: furniture, music, books, relationships, collections. She is constantly setting, shifting, modifying, eliminating. Shee orders her life and her environment by the Aesthetic Commandments. He is a trend setter and is fine with that position so long as his initial disciples are philosophically faithful to the intent of the image he has created. He tends to be offended when his "imagic" philosophy gives way to commerical appeal. He will not exploit image so easily. That is an Imagineer's taboo. That is a form of prostitution to him.

On the positive side, she is open to new experiences. Her liberal curiosity is rarely just simple curiosity. She does not simply push the limits. What she is doing is translating deeply felt beliefs into new languages. Her setting, shifting, modifying and eliminating are the different ways she makes herself understood. Because she has, literally, many "forms" of communication at her disposal, her liberal nature allows her a high level of tolerance that others might find difficult to appreciate.

He is poetic and creates idiomatic expressions. He employs "visual aids" in addition to verbal communication. He can easily interact with different kinds of people, particularly across vocational, political, national, ethnic and racial lines because he is gifted with multi-faceted thought-forms. She is prone to physical visions or "visitations" where, say, the combination of a whiff of ginger, the sight of a gold-plated watch, or the buzzing of a fly can bring about, say, remorse or happiness.

He observes what might appear to be normal phenomena, but he has a profound interpretation of them. He is rejuvenated by out-of-the-ordinary image combinations. He is unconventional which means that he tends to be sought after by the socially unacceptable, the distraught, the disenfranchised. She has ecclectic tastes and habits. She is a transitional form indicating that a cultural period is ending and another one is beginning. Naturally, she is accused of being a relativist.

On the negative side, he can belittle any form of correction, especially if it comes from a person or group he does not recognize to be as enlightened as he himself. When he hears a reprimand, he hears organized bigotry. If she is convinced that she is being marginalized or "shushed," she will use creative means and go to a ridiculous length to make herself heard.

When not self-controlled, she will typically be censured by authoritative figures. The reason is that authority tends to maintain status quo. She is not status quo. She is truly fringe. She might find glory in her being a martyr and he might express any opposition to his expressions as control.

If he has complicated language patterns, it might be hard to find a consistent way to communicate with him. He might accuse you of being a poser or of being insincere when you merely are trying to find a point of common interest with him. He finds comfort in his art and often will separate himself in order to find solace in it. By doing this, he can push away people who love and appreciate him.

When an event like that happens, it is difficult to get her to conventionally apologize and to make things right in a way that would be satisfactory to the offended person. Her excuse for failure is that no one understands her or sees the world like she does. If they did, then they would find her to be completely reasonable.


The DREAMER is the less intuitive of the prophetic traits because he operates by subjective sensory ratification. His language is trance which means that he employs an amplified sensory register to navigate life. Such a person tends to sense manifestations of the immaterial.

The DREAMER is driven by high expectations: “high” does not mean a degree of difficulty. "High" means “unrealized.” The burden of the dreamer is the burden of the visionary who lives to see his ideas become the norm. He does not see what exists; he sees what could be and lives in the fulfillment of that reality. He does not see his poor athletic skills or hear his atonal voice. Her passion for atheletics and voice trumps reality because she has squeezed together the past (what was), present (what is) and future events (what might be) so that she tends to retell the past incorrectly (lie), ignores the realities of the present (lives in denial), and lives the future with all of its possibilites (to others he lives "irresponsibly").

If he is oriented to good visions, he has unbounded optimism. If she is oriented to pessimism, she will see a deathly pallor on everything. For both, she will suffer bouts of depression when the reality of the present (which is so hard for her) sets in. No, it does not have to be anything negative either that can send her reeling into a bottomless pit of despair. It can be something very ordinary. Like a less than perfect experience or less than perfect weather, the absence of one friend (out of many), a change of plans (though it might be better than the original).

That is, perhaps why the dreamer tends to be melancholy. Depression takes its course with the dreamer in a very unique way. It is like food-poisoning on the one hand and PMS on another. Like PMS, it is bound to happen periodically—and it may even be predictable. Like food-poisoning, there is nothing to do but to let it take its course.

On the positive side, she is conceptually spiritual and can often relate her spirituality through languages other than the verbal, like dancing, singing, mechanics, etc. He has a vivid calling: when he was given his life's purpose ("second birthday") or when he was given "information" essential to his purpose.

She has a dimension of profundity to her because she hears or intuits messages for herself or for other people through the oddest media. He relies heavily upon his view of how things ought to work. The overwhelming distinctive and drive for the visionary is the creation of environments—specific environments—that will bring about his vision of how environment ought to work. In this way he is like God, a little creator: He has a distinctive purpose.

Psychologically she is conceptual and oftentimes renders people speechless or loses people. Also, she is allegorical (aka, a storyteller and sometimes a liar), so that she speaks affirmatively using comparisons or contrasts, examples, parallel experiences, facial gestures, body gestures that are signature movements.

Psychologically, he tries to make one-to-one ratios, though, perhaps unsuccessfully. Why? Because he tends to have a problem with the way things work. He is always creating new definitions, new concepts, new orientations, because he does poorly at implementation and does not know how to make the environment work in a one-to-one ratio sense.

Physiologically, she is prone to sitting or dozing or zoning sometimes for as long as time allows to bring about an inspirational day-dream. She is also prone to energetic boosts despite a lack of sleep or any rational reasoning for it.

Physical longevity plays into the inspirational trance in which he will put copious amounts of time into realizing vision, sometimes only to give it up at the end when it does not turn out as vividly and as perfectly as it does in his mind. Nevertheless, he finds it invigorating all the same. She runs on vision—not on implementation, so she will tend to start many things but leave them unfinished—one right after the other. She does not see this as inconsistency. She sees it as ongoing challenge.

On the negative side, he can be obsessively ambiguous or theoretical. He insists on reality changing by his constant questioning of normal organic processes and the severe insistence that they do not have to work that way. He is the kind of individual who suggests the amalgamation or resolution of extremes.

If obsessive, he cannot tell the difference between natural and artificial law. He treats both as one and the same which can cause an array of problems, especially if it is natural law against which he is wrecking himself. He also can suffer from an onset of ambiguous purpose. The struggle to find himself may be amplified to a higher degree than the average individual, so he needs time to be alone to "sort" things out himself.

It is almost useless to counsel him when he is "down" or "high." You have to get him when he is in mid-range, like when his stomach is full or when he is tired. She will struggle to find purpose in areas of fancy but not necessarily in areas of her giftings.

Psychologically he can appear to be nonsensical if he is unable to communicate his vision to others. People might object to his analogies or his terms or any attempt he makes at communicating himself. He can be either "super-spiritual" and miscommunicate that way or he can be offensive and miscommunicate that way.

She can also be scatter-brained if she is obsessively occupied with a particular thought or way of doing something. Physically, the signs of emotional burnout she shows are signs of apathy. On a "high" he can go years on little sleep, little food, little money, little love. That is one of the reasons the dreamer, after all of the sacrificial years he puts into a vision, is prone to divorce and sometimes even to being committed to psychiatric care. If he does not reproduce himself as actively as possible, he will literally find himself alone.


The IMPRESSIONIST is the most intuitive of the prophetic traits because he operates according to indistinct notion. His language is vibe which means he employs ultra-sensory perception to navigate life. Such a person draws conclusions from the baseline of energy.

The IMPRESSIONIST does not make a one-to-one ratio connection with sensory information. He does not hear words; he sees the mouth moving. He does not read gestures; he sees the body moving. He does not accept the explanation; he intuits the intent. In short, he does not naturally accept the obvious. He subjectively interprets despite what might be the obvious or the contrary. He cannot cite sources and he cannot levy evidence for either complaints or commendations.

Whether or not his radar is right, he largely depends upon a high degree intuition to develop his beliefs, his thoughts, and his actions. She can be emotionally worn down because she subscribes everything to a vibal level despite the obvious evidence of the thing itself. Consequently, he tends to be suspicious of the self-evident. The more pressed he is to reason, the more absurd his reasoning becomes.

She tends to have strong relationships with family members and very few outside friends or he tends to have strong relationships with a few outside friends and has few strong ties to family (probably because he intuits conditional love). If he does not receive affirmation from family or friends, he will be driven into a controlling relationship with another or a few others. As a result, he is a great candidate for the cult, for the minority elite, for abuse, etc.

On the positive side, she is perhaps one of the most stereotypically spiritual of all 27 personality tendencies. He is sensuously spiritual so he will cry or become heated at the unlikeliest of moments. He is appreciative. He is very honest though he might lack tact. She is spiritually-driven and emotionally-involved, so she embodies passion and conviction in efforts she puts toward her endeavors. He might find it useless to develop argumentation to back his beliefs if he does not value a particular consensus. Even if she favors a particular consensus, it has little to do with her private brand of verification.

He emphasizes transcendence over all, so he might seem to over-spirtualize or over-philosophize the obvious, when, in fact, he is being quite serious. He might have a vulgar streak, because he associates the physical senses with caveats of spirituality and revelation. He emphasizes ultimate ends so he can appear to be over-conceptual or “not quite right in the head,” but I assure you he is quite fine.

She has an ability to transpose the minĂștest of experiences into some spiritual abstraction. He has a high degree of sensual apprecation, so she might be a healthy and guilt-free eater, sleeper, couch potato, etc. His senses are wired to spirit so he can be easily offended if verbally insulted or physically punished. Touch is sacred to him. All of the senses are sacred to her.

On the negative side, he can be sensuouslessly spiritual which can make him highly unreasonable and ignorant of his own faults. He can be a spiritual freak, so to speak, but completely hypocritical by not applying it to the minĂștest areas of his life. In the same way, she can be creedlessly spiritual by being parochial or patronizing or preachy to others, though she herself does not heed her own advice.

By being emotionally charged, he can have problems striking a proper balance—even chemical balance—because he operates upon copious amounts of adrenaline to execute the simplest tasks of daily life. Completing mundane tasks is an accomplishment for him for which he might expect or demand reenforcement through praise.

Psychologically, she can be argumentative by using her ability to generalize and to pose ambiguous arguments. Physiologically, emotional depression can be accompanied with physical ailment that includes but is not limited to: migraines, stomach aches, headaches, ulcers, weight loss, obesity, etc. She is not concerned about truth, per se. Rather, she might be concerned with personal defense or reputation.


My blog describes 27 TOTAL PERSONALITY TENDENCY types I've identified and condensed into character profiles these last four years. If any of these personalities describe an aspect of you in part or "in most," please, feel free to chime in with further illuminations from your experience.
